Special Forces

When the material world no longer makes sense we must give ourselves up to a higher power.

But hold your mouses, I'm not trying an indoctrinate you just yet!

My higher power in this instance is the current river Anker barbel record holder Adrian Busby. Since relocating here I've been bouncing ideas off and generally pestering this gent to such a degree we made an arrangement to meet on the bank. Most likely an appeasement tactic to shut me up.

On the way to the river I recalled in my minds eye what a bite looks like on the rod tip, then went further by summoning from experience the often nerve-wracking fight to be had from either barbel or chub. Although my hopes for this trip were dampened by recent experience on this river, as anglers all we have to do is remain confident about what might happen and be ready for it when it eventually does.

Before tackling up we walked the stretch and mostly concurred on likely hideouts for the barbel and chub we were hoping for on the day. It's funny how the lived experience of two independent brains can converge, often quite tightly, on matters of fish location.


We found the river up yet not too coloured. Heavy cloud overhead gave way to rain on and off.

Selecting swims which were within hailing distance of one another I fished a meaty rod into the far flow and a wormy rod towards the nearer side.

And what do you know...after an hour a bite and a splasher chub to the meat!

A fish!

Whatever forces were at play here they were pulling my tip round so I accepted them gladly.

Adrian had lost a fish first cast and so wandered upstream to a second baited swim.

Whilst he was away a bite to half a lobworm on the inside rod resulted in a second chub of the day and the best at 4lb 2oz.

We fished on into dusk but that was the sum of our sport for the day.

Soon after this I'd bagged an afternoon off work and with the clock ticking towards season's end made a return to the river Anker on a new stretch to me, upstream of Tamworth. Once again Adrian joined me.

This second session was different as with only one rod to hand and minimal gear it was about covering the water and roaming for likely spots.

Again a small chub was my fishy reward but the bigger picture of this trip was seeing first hand swims on the section that looked good for a barbel. I've resolved to return in the close season with my fancy camera to see if I can capture one these elusive fish on film in order that you may get your fill of fish porn whilst the rivers are out.

Third Chub of The Week!

Ade's Chub.



  1. A fish, a fish !!! looks a lovely looking river !!

  2. That bit of river looks like it'll hold Barbel too. Pukka Chub and lets hope you get a chance to return before Tuesday!


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